Images courtesy of NASSA/Caritas Philippines, Canossa Society India
On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization characterized COVID-19 as a pandemic. Since then, there has been a spike in humanitarian needs. Countries across Asia are facing various difficulties due to lockdowns which result in the closure of factories and leaving many unemployed.
The loss of employment and income has left many individuals and families in Myanmar, Vietnam etc. unable to afford basic necessities and food for sustenance. These places face a mounting issue of hunger and starvation among the poorer communities.
There has been a shortage of personal protection equipment for medical personnel and volunteers in many countries including the Philippines, Indonesia and Cambodia, leaving them vulnerable to the virus. Prices for such medical supplies have also surged, and distribution has been increasingly difficult due to lockdowns, as well as import/export limitations.
Many in countries such as India and Bangladesh also face poor access to basic amenities like clean water and sanitation supplies, making them vulnerable to other illnesses like water-borne diseases. This is especially prevalent among the refugees, displaced migrant workers and those in rural areas of impoverished communities.