Zhywee, a volunteer with Project Micah, is a Fitness Educator, Personal Trainer and Zumba Instructress. In 2015, she was fortunate to have joined the Myanmar mission, sharing in dance, music and movement.  

Coming from a non-Catholic background, Zhywee had her initial reservations of volunteering with an organisation from a different religion that was not her own. However, the 2015 mission trip proved otherwise, as it reignited her spirit and allowed her to take a pause from the hustle and bustle of life back home.  

“The best thing was, everyone there welcomed me with open arms regardless of race and religion.”

There were moments that were lost in translation due to the language barrier, but through music and dance, she shares that she was still able to bond with the children while teaching them Zumba. Reflecting on her experience, she shares on how by sharing in her talents and time, she was able to contribute tangibly to the community and world as an individual.   

She noted that there were many similarities in the values shared by Catholicism and her own religion, notably to love and care for one another, and living this out by putting faith, compassion and love into action. This experience of volunteering with Project Micah has rekindled her missionary spirit, further inspiring her to volunteer with other organisations with causes close to her heart.  

This story is contributed by CHARIS’ former Member Organisation, Project Micah. In 2010, Project Micah started its mission to serve underprivileged children in orphanages in Myanmar. From annual mission trips, they now continue to reach out through online means and keep in touch with the Canossian family and boarding homes in Myanmar.